Although the majority of people who come to see me are female, lately there has been a dramatic upturn in how many men are becoming proactive in their skincare, reflecting a nationwide trend in this area.  It also used to be that when I would ask my male clients what motivated them to come see me, in the past the answer was usually “my [mom/girlfriend/wife] made me.”  These days, however, more and more men are coming in of their own volition.  Men, whether by desire to clear up acne, pigmentation or rosacea, or simply the realization that father time has begun to take a slow hike over their face, are going for skincare treatments in numbers that have not been seen before.

Their reasons for this are as varied as their skin conditions.  In today’s ultra-competitive job market, people need every advantage they can get when vying for a job that will, in all likelihood, have dozens, if not hundreds, of other applicants.  Obviously, a person’s qualifications are the most important criteria employers look at.  But when many qualified people apply, there are other, more intangible things that will get a person hired.  And, whether fair or not, if a person looks well-kept, healthy and polished, that could give them an advantage over a person whose face looks like it (and presumably the rest of them as well) has seen better days.  The same goes for those who are entering the dating pool — it’s a jungle out there!  I have also found that many men are tired of the guesswork that comes with trying to find the over-the-counter skincare product(s) that best suit their skin.  There is so much out there, with so many buzzwords and promises, and so few positive results.  They want to look and feel better now, and really don’t even know where to start.  And that’s when they come to see me, often for their first skincare treatment ever.

Men’s skin is inherently different than women’s.  It is usually thicker and oilier, which is why they don’t get wrinkles and sagging as early as women often do (lucky guys)!  Unfortunately, it can also be more sensitive and sensitized, usually due to a lifetime of neglect, such as failing to use sunscreen, poor skincare routines and/or products, and irritation from daily shaving (often without the proper products before or after shaving).  Their skin, especially as they age, can become coarse, sensitive/ruddy, acneic, hyperpigmented (either from sun exposure or acne scars), and as they age, fine lines and deeper wrinkles.

male microdermBy the time they come to see me, they are serious about wanting results.  I always offer free consultations, so I can perform a thorough skin analysis and we can then discuss treatment options.  I encourage all my clients ask questions, and if we decide to do a chemical peel, I will perform a patch-test, either on the forearm or behind the ear, to make sure they won’t have an adverse reaction to anything I’ll be using.  If their skin seems sensitive, I will often offer a facial or a salicylic treatment before beginning a series of either chemical peels or microdermabrasion, depending on what their skin’s needs, and their goals are.  These are more aggressive and results-oriented treatments, and a dramatic difference can usually be seen within three to six visits.  By the way, these are not the dermabrasion and chemical peels that are offered by a dermatologist, which go much deeper into the layers of the skin, and therefore there is no down time.

I also educate my clients about what they can do to treat and then prevent a recurrence of their condition.  For example, most people, and men in particular, have no idea how bad sun exposure every skin condition, including acne (contrary to the belief that it is beneficial to acne by drying it out.  It doesn’t — but it does inflame it!).  Post-treatment care is crucial to a successful outcome for any skin treatment.  A crucial part of my job is to educate, so that we can eventually ratchet things down to a maintenance program, rather than a goal-oriented one.

For whatever your skincare needs are, I welcome all you men who have decided to be proactive in your skin care, and look forward to meeting you soon!