facial treatment, regimenI admit it: I used to be one of the many people who thought that professional skincare treatments were simply a luxurious treat.  It wasn’t until I began going to school to become an esthetician that I realized that, in addition to the amazing experience of the facial itself, these treatments were essential to the well-being of my skin.

We wash and style our own hair, but we leave the “big stuff,” such as a haircut or a weave, to our stylist.  Why?  Because the our stylist has access to the best products, knows the latest styles, and has been trained in how to customize them and use them to make their client look their best.

Likewise, a professional skincare therapist has access to the best skincare products available, many of which are not even available to the general public.  We have been trained in how to analyze your skin to determine the proper course of treatment for your specific skin type and condition (yes, those are two different things!).  While one of my goals when you are in my treatment room is to make you feel pampered and special, even more importantly, I also want your skin to receive the full benefits of my education, whether it’s infusing hydration, clearing acne, lightening pigmentation, reversing the signs of aging, or addressing any of a multitude of concerns my clients have.

In addition, a professional skincare therapist can recommend a proper at-home regimen, so that you can keep that “after-facial glow” between treatments.

After all, our faces reflect the image we project to the outside world.  Professional facial treatments, along with a proper skincare regimen, will keep it healthy and looking its best.