beautiful winter skinI love winter!  The crisp air, the feeling of being warm inside during a chilly day (maybe with a fire in the fireplace!), the scents of the season, all combine to make this a special time of year.  Unfortunately, that rosy glow that accompanies this weather is also indicative of dehydration in the skin.  Skin that is dehydrated often looks ruddy, dull and more deeply lined.  When you wear makeup over dehydrated skin, powders can age your appearance and accentuate fine lines and wrinkles.

The fact is, most people have dehydrated skin.  And contrary to popular belief, even oily skin can be (and often is) dehydrated.  Dry skin lacks oil; dehydrated skin lacks water.  Just because there’s an excess of oil does not mean there’s substantial water in the skin.  The skin is the last of all the body’s organs to receive hydration from an internal source (i.e., drinking water).  To assist it in getting the moisture it requires, we need to supplement it from the outside as well.

There are a number of ways to keep the skin properly hydrated.  The first and easiest is to drink more water.  It doesn’t have to be alkaline or infused with anything fancy, just plain drinking water is great.  Coffee, tea and sodas don’t count, and can even dehydrate the skin.

Serums containing hyaluronic acid are an invaluable tool in the fight against dehydration.  Hyaluronic acid is used in fillers such as Juvederm and Restalyne.  It attracts and binds up to 1000 times its weight in moisture, and contains no oil.  It can be used on its own, in serums used under your moisturizer, or mixed with a moisturizer.

Sleeping with a humidifier also helps keep the skin hydrated, as well as having the added benefit of keeping the sinuses moist and clear.  Adding a drop of your favorite essential oil not only smells good, but can further the benefits of the moisture you’re adding to the dry winter air.

As always, you also need to be meticulous with your sunscreen.  Yes, even in the winter, and even when you’re not spending time outside.  Windows intensify the effects of the sun and contribute to dehydration year-round.  A moisturizer that contains sunscreen is a great way to be sure that you’re getting protected every day, all year long.

Happy Holidays from Skincare By Di!  Wishing you a healthy and happy 2014!