by SkinbyDi | Aug 2, 2014 | Blog
Let’s get back to basics. Everyone knows that professional skincare therapists perform facials, and that facials feel really good, and are really relaxing. But they’re much, much more than that. They can help resolve many skin issues, from acne, to the signs of aging...
by SkinbyDi | Jul 1, 2014 | Blog
Tattooing is as ancient as modern man. These decorative marks have been found in cavemen and mummies, spanning many different cultures worldwide. The first modern tattooing machine was modeled after Thomas Edison’s engraving machine and ran on electricity. Today, over...
by SkinbyDi | May 30, 2014 | Blog
As a skin therapist, it is a part of our job that we love, to keep current on the latest and best treatments, modalities and products to address our clients’ concerns with the signs of aging. Unfortunately, there are some challenges no skincare therapist can conquer....
by SkinbyDi | Apr 30, 2014 | Blog
Never has the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” been more applicable than in prevention of sun damage to the skin. The amount of skin damage I have seen in my line of work, the amount of people I know who have and are fighting the...
by SkinbyDi | Mar 24, 2014 | Blog
For many of us, it doesn’t matter if you get your requisite eight hours of sleep or not, we still wake up with bags and dark circles under our eyes. And as we all know, if we do, we look like we partied just a little too hard the night before, when it may just be that...
by SkinbyDi | Feb 23, 2014 | Blog, exfoliation, hair removal, sugaring, waxing
Sugaring, the sweeter side of hair removal! I was unpacking my brand-new double sugar paste warmer when my client walked in. Excited to show him my new purchase, I told him what I was doing. “Sugaring,” he said, intrigued, “that’s like getting a sugar scrub, right?” ...